لوحات الاعلانات

تحدث عن نفسك قطعة باللغة الانجليزية Write a paragraph about yourself

How to write a paragraph about yourself

  1. 1. Myself How to write a paragraph about myself Aziz Salafi
  2. 2. Myself When you write a paragraph about yourself, mention basic information about yourself.
  3. 3. Myself You can use the table below to help you organize your basic information.
  4. 4. your name age Marital status nationality hometown job father’s job favorite favorite sports interests
  5. 5. Myself Another way that can help you organize your basic information is to formulate questions. When you answer the questions, write full sentences.
  6. 6. What is your name? How old are you? Are you married? Where are you from ( country )? Where do you live? What is your job? What is your father’s job? What’s your favorite color? What is favorite sport? What are you interested in?
  7. 7. Myself The next slide is a model paragraph of a self-introduction.
  8. 8. Myself My name is Fahed Qahtani. I’m from Saudi Arabia. I live in Abha. I’m 19 years old. I’m a university student. I study English at King Khalid University. My university is in Abha, the capital of Aseer. I have three brothers and two sisters. My father is a policeman. My mother is a housewife. My favorite color is blue. In my free time I like to play soccer and table tennis. My favorite player in Karim Benzema.
  9. 9. Myself It is now your turn to write about yourself. Aziz Salafi

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